Thursday, November 17, 2011

PEPCO: Public Service Commission Community Hearings for Pepco’s Request for $42.1 Million

Public Service Commission is hosting a Ward 5 Community meeting to discuss Pepco’s request for $42.1 Million dollars (Public Service Commission Dockets Formal Case No. 1087).  On July 8, 2011, Pepco filed an Application for a rate increase with the D.C. Public Service Commission requesting an additional $42.1 million in distribution rates.

Ward 5 Meeting Details

Bethesda Baptist Church
1808 Capitol Ave, NE
Monday, November 21, 2011, 6:30 p.m.

Attendance is not limited to the ward in which you reside in. Come “Let Your Voice Be Heard” at the meeting that is the most convenient for you.

OPC’s Position on the case:

Reliability is vital! Consumers are entitled to reliable service. Before any rate increase is approved, all reliability projects must be carefully designed and thoroughly analyzed to ensure they deliver a marked improvement in the quality and reliability of Pepco’s service.
OPC requested the Commission dismiss Pepco’s rate case in its entirety and require the company to demonstrate it is providing reliable service as a basic condition of its regulatory obligation to provide, just and reasonable utility service. Alternatively, as a minimum requirement:
 The Commission should designate reliability as an issue in this case and require Pepco to submit detailed testimony that supports all projects designed to improve reliability.
 The Commission should require Pepco to prove that the consumer benefits of the smart grid outweigh the cost of the deployment.
 Pepco’s new proposals to change the Commission’s review of future rate cases should be summarily rejected in this proceeding.

The Commission must conduct a thorough review and scrutiny of Pepco’s cost of service adjustments and return on equity (profit) proposals, in light of the fact that this is Pepco’s third Application for rate relief in 4 years while service continues to deteriorate.

Consumers must have a voice in this case. These are your dollars!

Stay up to date with the case by visiting OPC’s website:

The Commission’s decision is expected in the Spring of 2012.

Those who wish to testify at the community hearings should contact the Commission Secretary at (202) 626-5100 by the close of business three (3) business days prior to the date of the hearing.
Representatives of organizations shall be permitted a maximum of five (5) minutes for oral presentations.
Individuals shall be permitted a maximum of three( 3) minutes for oral presentations. If an organization or an individual is unable to offer comments at the community hearings, written statements
maybe submitted to the

Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia,
1333 H Street, N,W,
Suite 200,West Tower,
Washington, D.C. 20005.

For more information on OPC
D.C. Office of the People’s Counsel
1133 15th Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 727-3071
Fax: (202) 727-1014
TTY/TDD: (202) 727-2876

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